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Home / Firmware for to all receivers / Freesat / GTMEDIA V9 Prime

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1: Add TNTSAT card support 2: xtream problem modification 3: tivusat card update 4. Remove the ivi web application app.
    ściągnij191 4.9 Mb 27.05.2022 10:24 Admin
1. In INFO, add YouTube QR code 2. Repair the Recall list function
    ściągnij150 4.9 Mb 25.02.2022 22:38 Admin
1. Fix the problem of 30W satellite missing programs 2. Fix the EPG cursor staying problem
    ściągnij161 4.89 Mb 20.12.2021 10:03 Admin
13/10/2021 Change log: 1. xtream live show logo display problem; 2. The subttile subtitle of the newly searched program is off by default; 3. Add cline info menu 4. Increase the Block EMM and CAID Tunnelling menu. 5. Fix the error ts hang problem 6. Add cc function to the subtitle menu 7. Hide/show
    ściągnij164 4.88 Mb 19.10.2021 13:05 Admin
Improve V7 remote control support
    ściągnij185 4.88 Mb 24.06.2021 13:18 Admin
1.GTSHARE supports selecting satellite groups; 2.Fix the blind scan problem
    ściągnij185 4.88 Mb 19.06.2021 09:36 Admin
1. Update AUTO BISS 2. Fix DB import problem 3. Fix the 30W playback problem
    ściągnij206 4.68 Mb 29.04.2021 10:20 Admin
GTMedia V9Prime Mars_V1.09.5148_202..zip
1.To upgrade the V9Prime mars firmware from the original V9Prime firmware, you need to copy the backdoor.key and V9Prime mars firmware files to the usb root directory. 2.then enter the "upgrade by usb" menu, select the upgrade mode as 'All code', do upgrade.
    ściągnij455 3.52 Mb 20.10.2022 17:42 Admin
GTMedia V9 Prime Mars_V1.10.5768_15..zip
1. Support Fast SCAN function 2. Optimize weather forecast 3. Update information bar and channel list 4. Support VPN function
    ściągnij114 3.6 Mb 01.02.2023 22:33 Admin
GTMedia V9 Prime Mars_V1.09.5380_20..zip
1. Optimize Xstream 2. Optimize stalker 3. Support 30W Abertis DTT and 27.5W BBC 4. Optimize the signal bar display 5. Fix other known issues
    ściągnij128 3.55 Mb 19.11.2022 11:46 Admin
GTMedia V9 Prime Mars_V1.09.5261_20..zip
1.Optimize the problem of switching encrypted channels 2.Fix the PLSN issue 3.Add support for Russian, Arabic, Portuguese 4.Fix the xtream issues 5.Set the default as 'ON ' of the 'Biss Auto update' 6.Add the square remote to support force upgrade 7.Fix other known issues
    ściągnij105 3.55 Mb 02.11.2022 20:57 Admin
Cała pamięć zajęta: 48.23 Mb

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